Saturday, July 19, 2014

Hardly Working Extended

Sarlecc here

So I have decided to go ahead with making the Hardly Working Extended game. Here are some things you can expect.
  • Two new areas with six levels each.
  • Each new level will have it's own monsters to fight.
  • New currency for buying cards/potions from a shop.
  • Shop is only accessible after you finish an area.
  • Lots of new text messages.
  • New cards.
  • New endings.
I am working on some ideas that may/may not get in the game.
  • Puzzles to get to the next level.
  • More custom artwork.
Let me know if you have suggestions you would like to see in the game. Note that not all suggestions will make it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

General FAQ

General FAQ

Q: Where does my game install to on a Windows machine?

A: C:\Users\Name\Desktop this is the default location on a machine running Windows. Name is your profile name.

Q: HELP my game screen is to small to see anything!

A: This is an issue with Windows 8. To get you the best screen size open your game folder and right click on the game icon. Click on properties and compatibility. Check the box for "Run in 640 * 480 resolution" then click apply. This will get you a game screen that is fairly close to the full screen size.

Q: My game is giving me an RTP not found error!!! Please help!

A: If you are getting this error open up the game folder. Open up the game.ini file and erase the line
that says RTP = "Text Here". In some cases there may not be anything after the RTP =. After you delete this line save the game.ini file then try playing the game again. Also if you get this error post a comment with the name of the game and I will fix asap.

Q: My question isn't answered here.....

A: If your question isn't answered here try the game related FAQ or post your question in a comment.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Players choice voting under way.

Sarlecc here.

The players choice voting is underway on the 2014 Indie Game Maker Contest. With over 700 games to play this contest is going to be a tough one. If you have not voted yet I strongly encourage you to do so. Link to my game Hardly Working. There are many other games there that you may like as well, remember to have fun and check out a lot of games. Also one more thing the players choice voting ends July 7, 2014.

Other news: I am also still working on a massive RPG game. I can't release a huge amount of details yet but some things you can expect are quests and achievements.

Got a suggestion for a game or a feature you would like to see? Feel free to post a comment about it.

Update: Players choice voting has been extended to the end of July due to the number of entries.